4 Crystals for Lughnasadh / Lammas

Lughnasadh / Lammas is the time of the first major harvest, including that of the first fruits of the year and now is the time when we see nature and our own labours come to fruition. Lughnasadh, or Lúnasa in Modern Irish, is the Celtic Festival named for the God of Light, Lugh. There are several variations of the Lughnasadh legend in which the crops are fought over. In one version Crom Dubh, has caused the crops to grow and considers them his treasure, but brave Lugh seizes these crops from Crom Dubh for mankind to enjoy. In another version the crops are represented by the Goddess Eithne and it is she that the two Gods fight over. Traditionally Lughnasadh is a time of great gatherings, local fetes, religious rites, pilgrimages to sacred sites - especially Holy Wells, matchmaking and various competitions. To the Anglo-Saxons this was Lammas , from hlaf-mas , 'loaf-mass' and marked the start of the wheat harvest. It was traditional to use the first harvest to make ...