Itchy Superstitions

There are many and varied superstitions when it comes to those annoying tickly itches that we all get from time to time. When it comes to superstitions the idea is that the itch is a message, it is trying to tell you something, and just what that may be depends on where the itch strikes. Of course, you don't have to believe in superstitions, but the idea of them is quite fascinating.

Head - An itchy head is believed to be an omen that you will soon get a great idea or a promotion, as long as your hair doesn't have any visitors.
Eyes and Eyebrows - On the right it indicates a meeting with an old friend, on the left with an old enemy or someone you'd really rather not encounter for whatever reason.

Ears - If your right ear gets an itch it means that someone is talking well or highly of you, but if the itch is on the left ear it means conversely that someone is speaking ill of you - same as for cheeks.

Cheeks - If your right cheek gets an itch it means that someone is talking well or highly of you, but if the itch is on the left cheek it means conversely that someone is speaking ill of you - same as for ears.
Nose - if the outside is itchy it portends that someone you are close to is either about to kiss you, curse you or generally annoy you, but if the itch is inside your nose it definitely indicates an unhappy encounter during which the other person will be foolish and troublesome.

Lips - Itchy lips are a sign that someone is badmouthing you or may indicate you're going to get kissed.
Neck - An itch here can denote illness coming, either to you or someone in your family.

Spine - An itchy spine denotes disappointment or that your plans and ideas are suffering a spanner in the works. If you cannot reach the itch and it drives you potty, so too will the problem it predicts.
Shoulders - Anything on the right shoulder is for discovering treasure of some kind - not necessarily a monetary one, on the left shoulder it means you will discover something sad or disadvantageous to you.

Elbows - Sometimes an itch here is said to represent a new partner (in romantic, magical or work terms) or developing a closer relationship with an existing partner, otherwise on the right is said to portend exciting news and on the left sad or bad news.

Palms - An itch on the right palm is symbolic of money coming your way, but if it's the left palm money will soon be leaving you - same as with ankles.
Thumbs - As Shakespeare's Witches so famously said in MacBeth: "By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes."

Fingers: An itchy ring finger is said to denote that either you will get married or that your partner is cheating on you - big difference there! If it's your first finger that itches it is because someone is cursing you, or you have unjustifiably cursed someone else.

Stomach - An itchy tummy is about food, that you are hungry or that someone is going to offer you some food.
Thighs - Itchy thighs are a sign that you will soon be moving home or work address, or having a move around within the home.

Knees - Itchy knees can denote jealousy; that another is jealous of you if on the left knee, and that you are jealous of another if on your right knee. Itchy knees can also portend that you will soon be kneeling somewhere, e.g. kneeling before an altar to get married.
Ankles - An itch on the right ankle is symbolic of money coming your way, but if it's the left ankle you will soon be paying money out - same as with hands.

Feet - If the itch strikes on your right foot you will be undertaking an easy journey to a place where you will be welcome, but if on the left, the journey will be to a place where you will not be so welcome, or possibly that the journey will be more arduous. If the itch is on the underside of your right foot, the journey will be profitable for you, but if on the left it will be a costly journey to you. Itchy toes portend a tough journey, no matter which foot.


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